2015年12月25日 The average annual production of raw silica sand in Croatia in the period from 2006 to 2011 amounted to 150 thousand tons.
More2022年5月1日 We used life-cycle assessment to evaluate the carbon footprint and CED of quartz mining, silica sand extraction, and MG-Si production for high-quality (> 98%
More2021年11月15日 About 70% of metallurgical silicon goes to the manufacture of metal alloys such as ferrosilicon as well as aluminum-silicon, an alloy that contracts minimally upon
MoreSilica mineral is the major constituent of Lithosphere and its manifold industrial use makes it more valuable. But, its fast extraction damages the environmental quality of a region. In
MoreThe National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) is developing a novel approach to be used at a mine site for the quantification of crystalline silica in respirable
MoreHowever, a summary of a large number of measurements of respirable silica on 48 South African gold mines between 1995 and 1997, a decade before this study was conducted,
More2023年3月25日 Silica is a non-metallic mineral that is extracted from the rocks where it is found in open-pit mining, being processed to the point of crushing to obtain a higher
More2020年6月1日 Tuberculosis. Gold mining. South Africa. The stated intention to eliminate silicosis from the South African goldmining industry as well as current programmes to